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Reference for SWMManywhere/

Graph utilities module for SWMManywhere.

A module to contain graphfcns, the graphfcn registry object, and other graph utilities (such as save/load functions).


Bases: ABC

Base class for graph functions.

On a SWMManywhere project the intention is to iterate over a number of graph functions. Each graph function may require certain attributes to be present in the graph. Each graph function may add attributes to the graph. This class provides a framework for graph functions to check their requirements and additions a-priori when the list is provided.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class BaseGraphFunction(ABC):
    """Base class for graph functions.

    On a SWMManywhere project the intention is to iterate over a number of
    graph functions. Each graph function may require certain attributes to
    be present in the graph. Each graph function may add attributes to the
    graph. This class provides a framework for graph functions to check
    their requirements and additions a-priori when the list is provided.

    required_edge_attributes: List[str] = []
    adds_edge_attributes: List[str] = []
    required_node_attributes: List[str] = []
    adds_node_attributes: List[str] = []

    def __init_subclass__(
        required_edge_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        adds_edge_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        required_node_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        adds_node_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        """Set the required and added attributes for the subclass."""
        cls.required_edge_attributes = required_edge_attributes or []
        cls.adds_edge_attributes = adds_edge_attributes or []
        cls.required_node_attributes = required_node_attributes or []
        cls.adds_node_attributes = adds_node_attributes or []

    def __call__(self, G: nx.Graph, *args, **kwargs) -> nx.Graph:
        """Run the graph function."""
        return G

    def validate_requirements(self, edge_attributes: set, node_attributes: set) -> None:
        """Validate that the graph has the required attributes."""
        for attribute in self.required_edge_attributes:
            assert attribute in edge_attributes, f"{attribute} not in edge attributes"

        for attribute in self.required_node_attributes:
            assert attribute in node_attributes, f"{attribute} not in node attributes"

    def add_graphfcn(
        self, edge_attributes: set, node_attributes: set
    ) -> tuple[set, set]:
        """Add the attributes that the graph function adds."""
        self.validate_requirements(edge_attributes, node_attributes)
        edge_attributes = edge_attributes.union(self.adds_edge_attributes)
        node_attributes = node_attributes.union(self.adds_node_attributes)
        return edge_attributes, node_attributes

__call__(G, *args, **kwargs) abstractmethod

Run the graph function.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __call__(self, G: nx.Graph, *args, **kwargs) -> nx.Graph:
    """Run the graph function."""
    return G

__init_subclass__(required_edge_attributes=None, adds_edge_attributes=None, required_node_attributes=None, adds_node_attributes=None)

Set the required and added attributes for the subclass.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __init_subclass__(
    required_edge_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    adds_edge_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    required_node_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    adds_node_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    """Set the required and added attributes for the subclass."""
    cls.required_edge_attributes = required_edge_attributes or []
    cls.adds_edge_attributes = adds_edge_attributes or []
    cls.required_node_attributes = required_node_attributes or []
    cls.adds_node_attributes = adds_node_attributes or []

add_graphfcn(edge_attributes, node_attributes)

Add the attributes that the graph function adds.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def add_graphfcn(
    self, edge_attributes: set, node_attributes: set
) -> tuple[set, set]:
    """Add the attributes that the graph function adds."""
    self.validate_requirements(edge_attributes, node_attributes)
    edge_attributes = edge_attributes.union(self.adds_edge_attributes)
    node_attributes = node_attributes.union(self.adds_node_attributes)
    return edge_attributes, node_attributes

validate_requirements(edge_attributes, node_attributes)

Validate that the graph has the required attributes.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def validate_requirements(self, edge_attributes: set, node_attributes: set) -> None:
    """Validate that the graph has the required attributes."""
    for attribute in self.required_edge_attributes:
        assert attribute in edge_attributes, f"{attribute} not in edge attributes"

    for attribute in self.required_node_attributes:
        assert attribute in node_attributes, f"{attribute} not in node attributes"


Bases: dict

Registry object.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class GraphFunctionRegistry(dict):
    """Registry object."""

    def register(self, cls):
        """Register a graph function."""
        if cls.__name__ in self:
            raise ValueError(f"{cls.__name__} already in the graph functions registry!")

        self[cls.__name__] = cls()
        return cls

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Get a graph function from the graphfcn dict."""
            return self[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(f"{name} NOT in the graph functions registry!")


Get a graph function from the graphfcn dict.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __getattr__(self, name):
    """Get a graph function from the graphfcn dict."""
        return self[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise AttributeError(f"{name} NOT in the graph functions registry!")


Register a graph function.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register(self, cls):
    """Register a graph function."""
    if cls.__name__ in self:
        raise ValueError(f"{cls.__name__} already in the graph functions registry!")

    self[cls.__name__] = cls()
    return cls


Filter streets.

This function removes non streets from a graph.


Name Type Description Default
G Graph

A graph



Type Description

A graph of only street edges

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def filter_streets(G):
    """Filter streets.

    This function removes non streets from a graph.

        G (nx.Graph): A graph

       (nx.Graph): A graph of only street edges
    G = G.copy()
    # Remove non-street edges/nodes and unconnected nodes
    nodes_to_remove = []
    for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True):
        if d["edge_type"] != "street":
            if d["edge_type"] == "outfall":
                nodes_to_remove.extend((u, v))
    return G

iterate_graphfcns(G, graphfcn_list, params=parameters.get_full_parameters(), addresses=temp_addresses)

Iterate a list of graph functions over a graph.


Name Type Description Default
G Graph

The graph to iterate over.

graphfcn_list list[str]

A list of graph functions to iterate.

params dict

A dictionary of parameters to pass to the graph functions.

addresses FilePaths

A FilePaths parameter object



Type Description

nx.Graph: The graph after the graph functions have been applied.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def iterate_graphfcns(
    G: nx.Graph,
    graphfcn_list: list[str],
    params: dict = parameters.get_full_parameters(),
    addresses: FilePaths = temp_addresses,
) -> nx.Graph:
    """Iterate a list of graph functions over a graph.

        G (nx.Graph): The graph to iterate over.
        graphfcn_list (list[str]): A list of graph functions to iterate.
        params (dict): A dictionary of parameters to pass to the graph
        addresses (FilePaths): A FilePaths parameter object

        nx.Graph: The graph after the graph functions have been applied.

    for function in graphfcn_list:
        G = graphfcns[function](G, addresses=addresses, **params)
        if len(filter_streets(G).edges) == 0:
                f"""graphfcn: {function} removed all edges, 
                           returning graph."""
            return G
  "graphfcn: {function} completed.")

        if verbose():
            save_graph(G, addresses.model_paths.model / f"{function}_graph.json")
                addresses.model_paths.model / f"{function}_nodes.geojson",
                addresses.model_paths.model / f"{function}_edges.geojson",
    return G


Load a graph from a file saved with save_graph.


Name Type Description Default
fid Path

The path to the file



Name Type Description
G Graph

A graph

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def load_graph(fid: Path) -> nx.Graph:
    """Load a graph from a file saved with save_graph.

        fid (Path): The path to the file

        G (nx.Graph): A graph
    json_data = json.loads(fid.read_text())

    G = nx.node_link_graph(json_data, directed=True)
    for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True):
        if "geometry" in data:
            geometry_coords = data["geometry"]
            line_string = shapely.LineString(shapely.wkt.loads(geometry_coords))
            data["geometry"] = line_string
    return G


Register a graph function.


Name Type Description Default
cls Callable

A class that inherits from BaseGraphFunction



Name Type Description
cls Callable

The same class

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register_graphfcn(cls) -> Callable:
    """Register a graph function.

        cls (Callable): A class that inherits from BaseGraphFunction

        cls (Callable): The same class
    return cls

save_graph(G, fid)

Save a graph to a file.


Name Type Description Default
G Graph

A graph

fid Path

The path to the file

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def save_graph(G: nx.Graph, fid: Path) -> None:
    """Save a graph to a file.

        G (nx.Graph): A graph
        fid (Path): The path to the file
    json_data = nx.node_link_data(G)

    with"w") as file:
        json.dump(json_data, file, default=_serialize_line_string)

validate_graphfcn_list(graphfcn_list, starting_graph=None)

Validate that the graph functions are registered.

Tests that the graph functions are registered.

Tests that the graph functions have the required attributes in the graph and updates the attributes that are added to the graph. required_edge_attributes and required_node_attributes currently only specify that one element in the graph must have the attribute (e.g., if a graphfcn has required_node_attributes=['id'], and only one node in the graph has the id attribute, then it will be valid).


Name Type Description Default
graphfcn_list list[str]

A list of graph functions

starting_graph Graph

A graph to check the starting attributes of. Defaults to None.



Type Description

If a graph function is not registered


If a graph function requires an attribute that is not in the graph

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def validate_graphfcn_list(
    graphfcn_list: list[str], starting_graph: nx.Graph | None = None
) -> None:
    """Validate that the graph functions are registered.

    Tests that the graph functions are registered.

    Tests that the graph functions have the required attributes in the graph
    and updates the attributes that are added to the graph.
    `required_edge_attributes` and `required_node_attributes` currently only
    specify that one element in the graph must have the attribute (e.g., if a
    graphfcn has `required_node_attributes=['id']`, and only one node in the
    graph has the `id` attribute, then it will be valid).

        graphfcn_list (list[str]): A list of graph functions
        starting_graph (nx.Graph, optional): A graph to check the starting
            attributes of. Defaults to None.

        ValueError: If a graph function is not registered
        ValueError: If a graph function requires an attribute that is not in
            the graph
    # Check that the graph functions are registered
    not_exists = [g for g in graphfcn_list if g not in graphfcns]
    if not_exists:
        raise ValueError(f"Graphfcns are not registered:\n{', '.join(not_exists)}")

    if starting_graph is None:

    # Get starting graph attributes
    edge_attributes: set = set()
    for u, v, data in starting_graph.edges(data=True):
        edge_attributes = edge_attributes.union(data.keys())

    node_attributes: set = set()
    for node, data in starting_graph.nodes(data=True):
        node_attributes = node_attributes.union(data.keys())

    # Iterate over graphfcn_list and check that the required attributes are
    # present in the graph, updating the add attributes
    for graphfcn in graphfcn_list:
        if node_attributes.intersection(
        ) != set(graphfcns[graphfcn].required_node_attributes):
            raise ValueError(
                f"""Graphfcn {graphfcn} requires node attributes 
        if edge_attributes.intersection(
        ) != set(graphfcns[graphfcn].required_edge_attributes):
            raise ValueError(
                f"""Graphfcn {graphfcn} requires edge attributes 

        edge_attributes = edge_attributes.union(
        node_attributes = node_attributes.union(