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Reference for SWMManywhere/

File paths module for SWMMAnywhere.


Paths for the bounding box folder (within project folder).

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class BBoxPaths:
    """Paths for the bounding box folder (within project folder)."""

    def __init__(
        project_paths: ProjectPaths,
        bbox_bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
        bbox_number: int | None = None,
        extension: str = "parquet",
        """Initialise the bounding box paths.

            project_paths (ProjectPaths): The project paths.
            bbox_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box
                coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
            bbox_number (int, optional): The bounding box number. Defaults to
                None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already
                been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will
                be used.
            extension (str, optional): The extension for the files. Defaults to
            **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
        if not bbox_number:
            bbox_number = get_next_bbox_number(bbox_bounds, project_paths.project)

        self.base_dir = project_paths.project
        self.bbox_number = bbox_number
        self.extension = extension
        self.bbox_bounds = bbox_bounds
        self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(BBoxPaths, kwargs)


        bounding_box_info = {"bbox": bbox_bounds, "project": project_paths.project_name}

        bbox_info_file = self.bbox / "bounding_box_info.json"
        if not bbox_info_file.exists():
            with"w") as info_file:
                json.dump(bounding_box_info, info_file, indent=2)

    def bbox(self):
        """The bounding box folder (specific to a bounding box)."""
        return self.overrides.get("bbox", self.base_dir / f"bbox_{self.bbox_number}")

    def download(self):
        """The download folder (for bbox specific downloaded data)."""
        return self.overrides.get("download", self.bbox / "download")

    def river(self):
        """The river graph for the bounding box."""
        return self.overrides.get("river", / f"river.{self.extension}")

    def street(self):
        """The street graph for the bounding box."""
        return self.overrides.get("street", / f"street.{self.extension}")

    def elevation(self):
        """The elevation file for the bounding box."""
        return self.overrides.get("elevation", / "elevation.tif")

    def building(self):
        """The building file for the bounding box (clipped from national scale)."""
        return self.overrides.get(
            "building", / f"building.geo{self.extension}"

    def precipitation(self):
        """The precipitation data."""
        return self.overrides.get(
            "precipitation", / f"precipitation.{self.extension}"

bbox property

The bounding box folder (specific to a bounding box).

building property

The building file for the bounding box (clipped from national scale).

download property

The download folder (for bbox specific downloaded data).

elevation property

The elevation file for the bounding box.

precipitation property

The precipitation data.

river property

The river graph for the bounding box.

street property

The street graph for the bounding box.

__init__(project_paths, bbox_bounds, bbox_number=None, extension='parquet', **kwargs)

Initialise the bounding box paths.


Name Type Description Default
project_paths ProjectPaths

The project paths.

bbox_bounds tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

bbox_number int

The bounding box number. Defaults to None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will be used.

extension str

The extension for the files. Defaults to 'parquet'.


Additional file paths to override.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __init__(
    project_paths: ProjectPaths,
    bbox_bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    bbox_number: int | None = None,
    extension: str = "parquet",
    """Initialise the bounding box paths.

        project_paths (ProjectPaths): The project paths.
        bbox_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box
            coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
        bbox_number (int, optional): The bounding box number. Defaults to
            None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already
            been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will
            be used.
        extension (str, optional): The extension for the files. Defaults to
        **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
    if not bbox_number:
        bbox_number = get_next_bbox_number(bbox_bounds, project_paths.project)

    self.base_dir = project_paths.project
    self.bbox_number = bbox_number
    self.extension = extension
    self.bbox_bounds = bbox_bounds
    self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(BBoxPaths, kwargs)


    bounding_box_info = {"bbox": bbox_bounds, "project": project_paths.project_name}

    bbox_info_file = self.bbox / "bounding_box_info.json"
    if not bbox_info_file.exists():
        with"w") as info_file:
            json.dump(bounding_box_info, info_file, indent=2)


File paths class (manager for project, bbox and model).

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class FilePaths:
    """File paths class (manager for project, bbox and model)."""

    def __init__(
        base_dir: Path,
        project_name: str,
        bbox_bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
        bbox_number: int | None = None,
        model_number: int | None = None,
        extension: str = "parquet",
        """Initialise the file paths.

            base_dir (Path): The base directory.
            project_name (str): The name of the project.
            bbox_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box
                coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
            bbox_number (int, optional): The bounding box number. Defaults to
                None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already
                been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will
                be used.
            model_number (int, optional): The model number. Defaults to None,
                in which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.
            extension (str): The extension for the files.
            **kwargs: Additional file paths.
        # Validate overrides and convert to paths
        for p, value in kwargs.items():
            value = Path(value)
            if not value.exists():
                logger.warning(f"Override path for {p}, {value} does not yet exist.")
            kwargs[p] = value

        # Create project paths and apply overrides
        self.project_paths = ProjectPaths(base_dir, project_name, extension, **kwargs)

        # Create bbox paths and apply overrides
        self.bbox_paths = BBoxPaths(
            self.project_paths, bbox_bounds, bbox_number, extension, **kwargs

        # Create model paths and apply overrides
        self.model_paths = ModelPaths(
            self.bbox_paths, model_number, extension, **kwargs

        self._overrides = kwargs

    def to_yaml(self, f: Path):
        """Convert a file to json."""
        address_dict = {}
        for attr in ["model_paths", "bbox_paths", "project_paths"]:
            address_dict.update(getattr(self, attr).__dict__)
            address_dict.update(**getattr(getattr(self, attr), "overrides"))

    def get_path(self, name: str) -> Path:
        """Get a path from _overrides."""
        path = self._overrides.get(name, None)
        if not path:
            raise FileExistsError(f"No file found for `{name}` attribute.")
        return path

    def set_bbox_number(self, number):
        """Set the bounding box number."""
        self.bbox_paths.bbox_number = number
        self.model_paths.base_dir = self.bbox_paths.bbox

    def set_model_number(self, number):
        """Set the model number."""
        self.model_paths.model_number = number

__init__(base_dir, project_name, bbox_bounds, bbox_number=None, model_number=None, extension='parquet', **kwargs)

Initialise the file paths.


Name Type Description Default
base_dir Path

The base directory.

project_name str

The name of the project.

bbox_bounds tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

bbox_number int

The bounding box number. Defaults to None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will be used.

model_number int

The model number. Defaults to None, in which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.

extension str

The extension for the files.


Additional file paths.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __init__(
    base_dir: Path,
    project_name: str,
    bbox_bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    bbox_number: int | None = None,
    model_number: int | None = None,
    extension: str = "parquet",
    """Initialise the file paths.

        base_dir (Path): The base directory.
        project_name (str): The name of the project.
        bbox_bounds (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box
            coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
        bbox_number (int, optional): The bounding box number. Defaults to
            None, in which case if the existing bounding box has already
            been created it will be found, otherwise the next number will
            be used.
        model_number (int, optional): The model number. Defaults to None,
            in which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.
        extension (str): The extension for the files.
        **kwargs: Additional file paths.
    # Validate overrides and convert to paths
    for p, value in kwargs.items():
        value = Path(value)
        if not value.exists():
            logger.warning(f"Override path for {p}, {value} does not yet exist.")
        kwargs[p] = value

    # Create project paths and apply overrides
    self.project_paths = ProjectPaths(base_dir, project_name, extension, **kwargs)

    # Create bbox paths and apply overrides
    self.bbox_paths = BBoxPaths(
        self.project_paths, bbox_bounds, bbox_number, extension, **kwargs

    # Create model paths and apply overrides
    self.model_paths = ModelPaths(
        self.bbox_paths, model_number, extension, **kwargs

    self._overrides = kwargs


Get a path from _overrides.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def get_path(self, name: str) -> Path:
    """Get a path from _overrides."""
    path = self._overrides.get(name, None)
    if not path:
        raise FileExistsError(f"No file found for `{name}` attribute.")
    return path


Set the bounding box number.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def set_bbox_number(self, number):
    """Set the bounding box number."""
    self.bbox_paths.bbox_number = number
    self.model_paths.base_dir = self.bbox_paths.bbox


Set the model number.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def set_model_number(self, number):
    """Set the model number."""
    self.model_paths.model_number = number


Convert a file to json.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def to_yaml(self, f: Path):
    """Convert a file to json."""
    address_dict = {}
    for attr in ["model_paths", "bbox_paths", "project_paths"]:
        address_dict.update(getattr(self, attr).__dict__)
        address_dict.update(**getattr(getattr(self, attr), "overrides"))


Paths for the model folder (within bbox folder).

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class ModelPaths:
    """Paths for the model folder (within bbox folder)."""

    def __init__(
        bbox_paths: BBoxPaths,
        model_number: int | None = None,
        extension: str = "parquet",
        """Initialise the model paths.

            bbox_paths (BBoxPaths): The bounding box paths.
            model_number (int, None): The model number. Defaults to None, in
                which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.
            extension (str): The extension for the files.
            **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
        if model_number is None:
            model_number = next_directory("model", bbox_paths.bbox)

        self.base_dir = bbox_paths.bbox
        self.model_number = model_number
        self.extension = extension
        self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(ModelPaths, kwargs)


    def model(self):
        """The model folder (one specific synthesised model)."""
        return self.overrides.get("model", self.base_dir / f"model_{self.model_number}")

    def inp(self):
        """The synthesised SWMM input file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get("inp", self.model / f"model_{self.model_number}.inp")

    def subcatchments(self):
        """The subcatchments file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get(
            "subcatchments", self.model / f"subcatchments.geo{self.extension}"

    def graph(self):
        """The graph file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get("graph", self.model / f"graph.{self.extension}")

    def nodes(self):
        """The nodes file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get("nodes", self.model / f"nodes.geo{self.extension}")

    def edges(self):
        """The edges file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get("edges", self.model / f"edges.geo{self.extension}")

    def streetcover(self):
        """The street cover file for the model."""
        return self.overrides.get(
            "streetcover", self.model / f"streetcover.geo{self.extension}"

edges property

The edges file for the model.

graph property

The graph file for the model.

inp property

The synthesised SWMM input file for the model.

model property

The model folder (one specific synthesised model).

nodes property

The nodes file for the model.

streetcover property

The street cover file for the model.

subcatchments property

The subcatchments file for the model.

__init__(bbox_paths, model_number=None, extension='parquet', **kwargs)

Initialise the model paths.


Name Type Description Default
bbox_paths BBoxPaths

The bounding box paths.

model_number (int, None)

The model number. Defaults to None, in which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.

extension str

The extension for the files.


Additional file paths to override.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __init__(
    bbox_paths: BBoxPaths,
    model_number: int | None = None,
    extension: str = "parquet",
    """Initialise the model paths.

        bbox_paths (BBoxPaths): The bounding box paths.
        model_number (int, None): The model number. Defaults to None, in
            which case the next number in the bbox directory will be used.
        extension (str): The extension for the files.
        **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
    if model_number is None:
        model_number = next_directory("model", bbox_paths.bbox)

    self.base_dir = bbox_paths.bbox
    self.model_number = model_number
    self.extension = extension
    self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(ModelPaths, kwargs)



Paths for the project folder (within base_dir).

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class ProjectPaths:
    """Paths for the project folder (within base_dir)."""

    def __init__(
        self, base_dir: Path, project_name: str, extension: str = "parquet", **kwargs
        """Initialise the project paths.

            base_dir (Path): The base directory.
            project_name (str): The name of the project.
            extension (str): The extension for the files.
            **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
        self.project_name = project_name
        self.extension = extension
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(ProjectPaths, kwargs)


    def project(self):
        """The project folder (sits in the base_dir)."""
        return self.overrides.get("project", self.base_dir / self.project_name)

    def national(self):
        """The national folder (for national scale downloads)."""
        return self.overrides.get("national", self.project / "national")

    def national_building(self):
        """The national scale building file."""
        return self.overrides.get(
            "national_building", self.national / f"building.{self.extension}"

national property

The national folder (for national scale downloads).

national_building property

The national scale building file.

project property

The project folder (sits in the base_dir).

__init__(base_dir, project_name, extension='parquet', **kwargs)

Initialise the project paths.


Name Type Description Default
base_dir Path

The base directory.

project_name str

The name of the project.

extension str

The extension for the files.


Additional file paths to override.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __init__(
    self, base_dir: Path, project_name: str, extension: str = "parquet", **kwargs
    """Initialise the project paths.

        base_dir (Path): The base directory.
        project_name (str): The name of the project.
        extension (str): The extension for the files.
        **kwargs: Additional file paths to override.
    self.project_name = project_name
    self.extension = extension
    self.base_dir = base_dir
    self.overrides: dict[str, Path] = get_overrides(ProjectPaths, kwargs)


check_bboxes(bbox, data_dir)

Find the bounding box number.

Check if the bounding box coordinates match any existing bounding box directories within data_dir.


Name Type Description Default
bbox tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

data_dir Path

Path to the data directory.



Name Type Description
int int | bool

Bounding box number if the coordinates match, else False.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def check_bboxes(bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float], data_dir: Path) -> int | bool:
    """Find the bounding box number.

    Check if the bounding box coordinates match any existing bounding box
    directories within data_dir.

        bbox (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box coordinates in
            the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
        data_dir (Path): Path to the data directory.

        int: Bounding box number if the coordinates match, else False.
    # Find all bounding_box_info.json files
    info_fids = data_dir.glob("*/*bounding_box_info.json")

    # Iterate over info files
    for info_fid in info_fids:
        # Read bounding_box_info.json
        with"r") as info_file:
            bounding_info = json.load(info_file)
        # Check if the bounding box coordinates match
        if Counter(bounding_info.get("bbox")) == Counter(bbox):
            bbox_full_dir = info_fid.parent
            bbox_dir =
            bbox_number = int(bbox_dir.replace("bbox_", ""))
            return bbox_number

    return False


Get file paths from a yaml file.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def filepaths_from_yaml(f: Path):
    """Get file paths from a yaml file."""
    address_dict = yaml_load(f.read_text())
    address_dict["base_dir"] = Path(address_dict["base_dir"])
    overrides = address_dict.pop("overrides", {})
    addresses = FilePaths(**address_dict, **overrides)
    return addresses

get_next_bbox_number(bbox, data_dir)

Get the next bounding box number.

If there are existing bounding box directories, check within them to see if any have the same bounding box, otherwise find the next number. If there are no existing bounding box directories, return 1.


Name Type Description Default
bbox tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

data_dir Path

Path to the data directory.



Name Type Description
int int

Next bounding box number.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def get_next_bbox_number(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float], data_dir: Path
) -> int:
    """Get the next bounding box number.

    If there are existing bounding box directories, check within them to see if
    any have the same bounding box, otherwise find the next number. If
    there are no existing bounding box directories, return 1.

        bbox (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box coordinates in
            the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).
        data_dir (Path): Path to the data directory.

        int: Next bounding box number.
    # Search for existing bounding box directories
    bbox_number = check_bboxes(bbox, data_dir)
    if not bbox_number:
        return next_directory("bbox", data_dir)
    return bbox_number

get_overrides(klass, overrides)

Get overrides for a class.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def get_overrides(klass: type, overrides: dict[str, Path]) -> dict[str, Path]:
    """Get overrides for a class."""
    out = {}
    for p in overrides.copy().keys():
        if not hasattr(klass, p):
        out[p] = overrides.pop(p)
    return out

next_directory(keyword, directory)

Find the next directory number.

Find the next directory number within a directory with a _ in its name.


Name Type Description Default
keyword str

Keyword to search for in the directory name.

directory Path

Path to the directory to search within.



Name Type Description
int int

Next directory number.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def next_directory(keyword: str, directory: Path) -> int:
    """Find the next directory number.

    Find the next directory number within a directory with a <keyword>_ in its

        keyword (str): Keyword to search for in the directory name.
        directory (Path): Path to the directory to search within.

        int: Next directory number.
    existing_dirs = [int("_")[-1]) for d in directory.glob(f"{keyword}_*")]
    return 1 if not existing_dirs else max(existing_dirs) + 1