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Metrics guide

If you have real data to compare against your synthesised UDM, you can take advantage of the multiple metrics implemented in SWMManywhere. Metrics are used to compare the similarity of either the synthesised UDM with the real, or the accompanying SWMM simulation results. Thus, a metric is a function that can take a variety of arguments and returns the metric value.

Using metrics

Let's look at a metric that is simply a wrapper for netcomp.deltacon0:

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_deltacon0(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(synthetic_G, real_G, "deltacon0", eps=1e-10)

We can see that this metric requires the synthesised and real graphs as arguments, that is because it is a metric to compare the similarity of two graphs. Note that the function has been registered with @metrics.register.

Registered metrics

The MetricRegistry is a dictionary subclass called metrics that contains all registered metrics to be called from one place.

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import metrics
>>> print(metrics.keys())
dict_keys(['outfall_nse_flow', 'outfall_kge_flow', 'outfall_relerror_flow',
'outfall_relerror_length', 'outfall_relerror_npipes', 'outfall_relerror_nmanholes',
'outfall_relerror_diameter', 'outfall_nse_flooding', 'outfall_kge_flooding',
'outfall_relerror_flooding', 'grid_nse_flooding', 'grid_kge_flooding',
'grid_relerror_flooding', 'subcatchment_nse_flooding',
'subcatchment_kge_flooding', 'subcatchment_relerror_flooding', 'nc_deltacon0',
'nc_laplacian_dist', 'nc_laplacian_norm_dist', 'nc_adjacency_dist',
'nc_vertex_edge_distance', 'nc_resistance_distance', 'bias_flood_depth',
'kstest_edge_betweenness', 'kstest_betweenness', 'outfall_kstest_diameters'])

We will later demonstrate how to add a new metric to the registry.


In the previous example, we saw that, in addition to the synthesised and real graphs, the function takes **kwargs, which are ignored. While nc_deltacon0 only requires real_G and synthesised_G to be calculated, any metric has access to a range of arguments for calculation:

  • the synthesised and real graphs (real_G and synthesised_G),
  • the synthesised and real simulation results (real_results and synthesised_results),
  • the synthesised and real sub-catchments (real_subs and synthesised_subs),
  • the MetricEvaluation parameters category.

For example, see the following metric

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def outfall_kstest_diameters(
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
) -> float:
    """Outfall KStest diameters.

    Calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic of the diameters in the subgraph
    that drains to the dominant outfall node. The dominant outfall node of the
    'real' network is calculated by dominant_outfall, while the dominant outfall
    node of the 'synthetic' network is calculated by best_outfall_match.
    # Identify synthetic and real outfall arcs
    sg_syn, _ = best_outfall_match(synthetic_G, real_subs)

    if len(sg_syn.nodes) == 0:
        # No overlap exists
        return np.inf

    sg_real, _ = dominant_outfall(real_G, real_results)

    # Extract the diameters
    syn_diameters = nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_syn, "diameter")
    real_diameters = nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_real, "diameter")
    return stats.ks_2samp(
        list(syn_diameters.values()), list(real_diameters.values())

We can see that this metric also requires the real results (real_results) and real subcatchments (real_subs) to be evaluated, which are passed as arguments.

Lists of metrics

Metrics are intended to be applied as part of a list, metric_list with the SWMManywhere function iterate_metrics.

For example:

>>> from import demo_graph as G
>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import iterate_metrics
>>> iterate_metrics(
...     real_G = G,
...     synthetic_G = G, 
...     metric_list = ['nc_deltacon0','nc_resistance_distance']
... )
{'nc_deltacon0': 0.0, 'nc_resistance_distance': 0.0}

In this example only graph comparison metrics are included in metric_list, and so we only need to provide synthesised_G, real_G and metric_list. We see that the metrics have returned 0.0, because the two graphs are identical.

In the configuration file we can specify the list of metrics to be applied as a metric_list. By default this list will be populated from demo_config.yml.

Add a new metric

Adding a custom metric can be done by creating a metric in the appropriate style, see below for example to create a new metric and then specifying to use it with the config file

Write the metric

You create a new module that can contain multiple metrics. See below as a template of that module.

from __future__ import annotations

import networkx as nx

from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import metrics

def new_metric(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """New metric function."""
    return len(synthetic_G.edges) / len(real_G.edges)

Adjust config file

We will add the required lines to the minimum viable config template.

base_dir: /path/to/base/directory
project: my_first_swmm
bbox: [1.52740,42.50524,1.54273,42.51259]
  inp: /path/to/real/model.inp
  graph: /path/to/real/graph.json
  subcatchments: /path/to/real/subcatchments.geojson
  results: null
custom_metric_modules: /path/to/
  - new_metric

To enable metrics to be calculated we must provide information on the real UDM (reproduced from the demo_config.yml ).

We can see that we now provide the metric_list with new_metric in the list. Any number of custom metrics may be provided across one or multiple modules. Only the metrics specified in metric_list will be calculated, use the metric registry to identify allowable metrics.

And we provide the path to the module that contains our new_metric under the custom_metric_modules entry.

Generalised behaviour of metrics

Because of the large number of potential metrics that can plausibly be calculated, owing to the wide number of variations that might be applied, a combination of approaches are used to streamline metric creation.

Metric factory

Metrics can be created as self-contained functions, as with the example earlier. However, most metrics are created with the metric_factory. This is a function that takes a metric as a str which contains the metric's <scale>_<coefficient>_<variable>. Coefficients and scales are explained below, while the variable is simply the name of the variable (whether timeseries or graph property) to be calculated. Let us create a metric with metric_factory:

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import metric_factory
>>> metric_factory('outfall_nse_flow')
<function metric_factory.<locals>.new_metric at 0x000001EECEA7C220>

We have created a function that is a valid metric, it calculates the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (nse) value for flow timeseries at outlet scale. Note that creating the metric with the metric_factory does not automatically add it to the registry.

We do not currently support adding new coefficient or scales via the configuration file. Thus, the following sections coefficients and scales will explain how to manually accommodate custom behaviour.


The coefficient portion of a metric is the equation that is applied to two arrays. See for example the nse:

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nse(y: np.ndarray, yhat: np.ndarray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE).

    Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE):

    NSE = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - Q_{sim,i})^2}
                   {\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - \overline{Q}_{obs})^2}


    - $Q_{obs,i}$ is the observed value at time $i$,
    - $Q_{sim,i}$ is the simulated value at time $i$,
    - $\overline{Q}_{obs}$ is the mean observed value over the simulation period,
    - $n$ is the number of time steps in the simulation period.

        y (np.array): Observed data array.
        yhat (np.array): Simulated data array.

        float: The NSE value.
    if np.std(y) == 0:
        return np.inf
    return 1 - np.sum(np.square(y - yhat)) / np.sum(np.square(y - np.mean(y)))

Coefficients are stored in a registry which is a dictionary containing all registered coefficients:

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import coef_registry
>>> print(coef_registry.keys())
dict_keys(['relerror', 'nse', 'kge'])

We can see here the registered coefficients. Thus, the coefficient portion of a string being passed to metric_factory must take one of these values.

To register a new coefficient, we can use register_coef, and we can then use it in metric_factory to create a metric. Since this new metric is not included in metrics we can also register that.

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import (
...     register_coef, 
...     coef_registry,
...     metric_factory,
...     metrics
... )
>>> import numpy as np
>>> metric_factory('outfall_rmse_flow') # Try creating the metric
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'rmse'
>>> def rmse(y: np.array, yhat: np.array): np.sqrt(np.mean(np.pow(y-yhat,2)))
>>> register_coef(rmse) # Register new coefficient
<function rmse at 0x000001DC38ABC540>
>>> print(coef_registry.keys())
dict_keys(['relerror', 'nse', 'kge', 'rmse'])
>>> metrics.register(metric_factory('outfall_rmse_flow')) # Create and register new metric
<function metric_factory.<locals>.new_metric at 0x00000227D219E020>
>>> 'outfall_rmse_flow' in metrics # Check that the metric is available for use


SWMManywhere supports a variety of spatial scales for which metrics may be calculated. As with coefficients, these are stored in a registry.

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import scale_registry
>>> print(scale_registry.keys())
dict_keys(['subcatchment', 'grid', 'outfall'])

For example, subcatchment aligns real and synthesised subcatchments together and calculates the coefficient for each subcatchment (returning the median coefficient value over all matched subcatchments).

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def subcatchment(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    metric_evaluation: MetricEvaluation,
    var: str,
    coef_func: Callable,
    """Subcatchment scale metric.

    Calculate the coefficient (coef_func) of a variable over time for aggregated
    to real subcatchment scale. The metric produced is the median coef_func
    across all subcatchments.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        synthetic_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The synthetic subcatchments.
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The real subcatchments.
        real_G (nx.Graph): The real graph.
        metric_evaluation (MetricEvaluation): The metric evaluation parameters.
        var (str): The variable to calculate the coefficient for.
        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient to calculate.

        float: The median coef_func value.
    results = align_by_shape(

    return median_coef_by_group(results, "sub_id", coef_func=coef_func)

You will have to read the API to understand the differences between scales. However, custom scales may be created in much the same way as custom coefficients, albeit with more arguments required and more complexity for the function to interpret different argument values.


Because of the complexity in interpretation, a key element of the metric_factory is restrictions on certain combinations of scales/coefficients/variables.

For example, conceptually it makes no sense to apply the nse coefficient to the npipes variable - as nse is used to compare timeseries while npipes is a description of the designed UDM.

>>> from swmmanywhere.metric_utilities import metric_factory
>>> metric_factory('outfall_nse_npipes')
Traceback (most recent call last):
    ... , in restriction_on_metric
    raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable} only valid with relerror metric")
ValueError: Variable npipes only valid with relerror metric

Restrictions are stored in a register as with coefficients and scales, and we can see that the restriction triggered above was the restriction_on_metric:

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def restriction_on_metric(scale: str, metric: str, variable: str):
    """Restriction on metric.

    Restrict the design variables to use 'relerror' only.

        scale (str): The scale of the metric.
        metric (str): The metric.
        variable (str): The variable.
    if variable in ("length", "nmanholes", "npipes") and metric != "relerror":
        raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable} only valid with relerror metric")

Custom restrictions can be added as with coefficients and scales.