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Chapter 3 solutions

Q1: what happens when you don't fit an intercept? What about no standardisation?

We first turn off the intercept option.

lasso_model_no_intercept <- glmnet(
  x = train_data$X,
  y = train_data$y,
  family = "binomial",
  lambda.min.ratio = min_frac,
  maxit = num_iter,
  standardize = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE
and we obtain an error to say that convergence for the 99th lambda value was not reached. This is because applying an intercept also centers the data matrix, which helps in the fitting process. Now, let's try removing standardisation.
lasso_model_no_sd <- glmnet(
  x = train_data$X,
  y = train_data$y,
  family = "binomial",
  lambda.min.ratio = min_frac,
  maxit = num_iter,
  standardize = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE
No error this time, so let's see how it performs for prediction.
lasso_preds_no_sd <- predict(lasso_model_no_sd, test_data$X, type = "class")
lasso_cr_no_sd <- apply(lasso_preds_no_sd, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
lasso_df_no_sd = data.frame(
  model = "Lasso no sd",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = lasso_cr_no_sd
We obtain a peak accuracy of , which is lower than the one obtained without standardising (). Standardising scales the data matrix, which is important in regression models as it allows for more direct comparison between the genes, and this is a demonstration of how it can lead to better predictive performance.

Q2: apply the lasso to the cancer data.

First, we need to split the data as for the colitis data. There are only observations this time, so we will split it 50/50.

data = readRDS("cancer-data-c8.RDS")
X_cancer = data$X
y_cancer = data$y
groups_cancer = data$groups
training_ind <- sample(1:nrow(X_cancer), 30) 
train_data_cancer <- list(X = X_cancer[training_ind,], y = y_cancer[training_ind])
test_data_cancer <- list(X = X_cancer[-training_ind,], y = y_cancer[-training_ind])
We can proceed as before.
lasso_model_cancer <- glmnet(
  x = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  family = "binomial",
  lambda.min.ratio = min_frac,
  maxit = num_iter,
  standardize = TRUE,
  intercept = TRUE
The fitted values are visualised using

VIM plot.

There appears to be a trend towards negative coefficients, indicating that there are genes present which reduce the probability of cancer. Looking at how the variables enter the model:

plot(apply(lasso_model_cancer$beta, 2, function(x) length(which(x!=0))), type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Number non-zero")

VIM plot.

At the most saturated point, we have just below genes in the model. Now, testing this model on new data.

# calculate predictions
lasso_preds <- predict(lasso_model_cancer, test_data_cancer$X, type = "class")
# compare to test data
lasso_cr <- apply(lasso_preds, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
lasso_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "Lasso",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = lasso_cr
plot(x = lasso_df_cancer$lambda_index, y = lasso_df_cancer$classification_rate, type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Classification accuracy")
abline(v = which.max(lasso_df_cancer$classification_rate), col = "red") # where the maximum is located
apply(lasso_model_cancer$beta, 2, function(x) length(which(x!=0)))[which.max(lasso_df_cancer$classification_rate)]

VIM plot.

The predictive performance here is much worse than for the colitis dataset. This is to be expected. The development of cancer follows a more complex genetic landscape, making prediction very challenging. The particularly interesting aspect here is that the model does not actually improve the predictive performance by adding genes. The best performing model is the one with no variables present, showing that the lasso was not able to identify any signal in the dataset.

Q3 (optional): glmnet has the elastic net model. Apply it to the colitis data.

We investigated the elastic net in Chapter 2. Here, we apply it to the colitis dataset to see if we can improve upon the lasso performance.

alpha_seq = seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 20)
alpha_data = data.frame(alpha_val = alpha_seq, pred_score = rep(0,length(alpha_seq)))
for (alpha_id in 1:length(alpha_seq)){
en_model <- glmnet(
  x = train_data$X,
  y = train_data$y,
  family = "binomial",
  lambda.min.ratio = min_frac,
  maxit = num_iter,
  standardize = TRUE,
  intercept = TRUE,
  alpha = alpha_seq[alpha_id]
en_preds <- predict(en_model, test_data$X, type = "class")
en_cr <- apply(en_preds, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data$y))
alpha_data$pred_score[alpha_id] = max(en_cr)}
plot(alpha_data, type = "b", xlab = "Alpha", ylab = "Classification accuracy")

VIM plot.

We see that the predictive performance is not hugely sensitive to the choice of , although it is clear that the elastic net can improve over the lasso by over , if we choose to be in the region of . For the lasso, we had a peak of and for elastic net we have obtained .

Q4: apply the group lasso to the cancer data.

As before:

X_gl <- t(t(train_data_cancer$X) - apply(train_data_cancer$X, 2, mean))
X_gl <- t(t(X_gl) / apply(X_gl, 2, sd))
X_gl <- cbind(1, X_gl)
groups_gl <- c(NA, groups_cancer)

lambda_max_group <- lambdamax(X_gl, as.numeric(train_data_cancer$y), groups_gl, standardize = FALSE)
lambdas_gl <- exp(seq(
  from = log(lambda_max_group),
  to = log(lambda_max_group * min_frac),
  length.out = path_length
glasso_model_cancer <- grplasso(
  x = X_gl,
  y = as.numeric(train_data_cancer$y),
  index = groups_gl,
  lambda = lambdas_gl,
  standardize = FALSE,
  max.iter = num_iter

We can see how many variables are entering the model as we decrease :

plot(apply(glasso_model_cancer$coefficients, 2, function(x) length(which(x!=0))), type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Number non-zero")

VIM plot.

At the most saturated point, we have about genes in the model. Performing the prediction

glasso_preds <- predict(object = glasso_model_cancer, newdata = cbind(1,test_data_cancer$X), type = "response")
glasso_preds = ifelse(glasso_preds >= 0.5, 1, 0)
glasso_cr <- apply(glasso_preds, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
glasso_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "gLasso",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = glasso_cr
plot(x = glasso_df_cancer$lambda_index, y = glasso_df_cancer$classification_rate, type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Classification accuracy")
abline(v = which.max(glasso_df_cancer$classification_rate), col = "red") # where the maximum is located

VIM plot.

The group lasso obtains a peak accuracy of using genes. In this case, it outperforms the lasso, showing that the grouping information is needed to extract the signal from the cancer genes.

Q5: apply SGL to the cancer data.

sgl_model_cancer = fit_sgs(
  X = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  groups = groups_cancer,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  alpha = alpha,
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  v_weights = rep(1, ncol(train_data_cancer$X)),
  w_weights = rep(1, length(unique(groups_cancer)))
Performing the predictiton:
sgl_preds = predict(sgl_model_cancer, x = test_data_cancer$X)
sgl_cr <- apply(sgl_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
sgl_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "SGL",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = sgl_cr
SGL obtains a peak accuracy of at the index of , using no genes:

Q6 (optional): apply SLOPE to the cancer data.

slope_model_cancer = SLOPE(
  x = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  q = 1e-4,
  family = "binomial",
  intercept = TRUE,
  scale = "l2",
  center = TRUE,
  alpha = "path",
  lambda = "bh",
  alpha_min_ratio = min_frac,
  max_passes = 10000,
  path_length = path_length,
  tol_dev_ratio = 1000000,
  max_variables = 10000,
  tol_dev_change = 0

slope_preds = predict(slope_model_cancer, x = test_data_cancer$X, type = "response") 
slope_preds = ifelse(slope_preds >= 0.5, 1, 0)
slope_cr <- apply(slope_preds, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
slope_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "SLOPE",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = slope_cr
SLOPE is found to have a peak classification rate of using genes. So, the same accuracy as the lasso, but actually using genes. However, the genes were not found to be informative.

Q7 (optional): apply gSLOPE to the cancer data.

gslope_model_cancer = fit_gslope(
  X = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  groups = groups_cancer,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  gFDR = 1e-4, 
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE

gslope_preds = predict(gslope_model_cancer, x = test_data_cancer$X)
gslope_cr <- apply(gslope_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
gslope_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "gSLOPE",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = gslope_cr
gSLOPE obtains a peak accuracy of using genes, so it is picking up a lot of noise.

Q8 (optional): can you achieve a higher predictive accuracy with SGS?

SGS has a few hyperparameters to play around with. Feel free to try changing the different hyperparameters and seeing what the result is. Here, I will alter two to give you an insight into how they can change the model performance.

We first alter to be .

sgs_model_2 = fit_sgs(
  X = train_data$X,
  y = train_data$y,
  groups = groups,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  gFDR = 1e-4,
  vFDR = 1e-4, 
  alpha = 0.5,
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  pen_method = 3  

sgs_preds = predict(sgs_model_2, x = test_data$X)
sgs_cr <- apply(sgs_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data$y))
This model obtains a peak accuracy of using genes. So, changing has lead to worse performance. This was to be expected, as by moving away from we also moved the model closer to a gSLOPE model, which performs worse than SLOPE for the colitis data.

Next, we alter the penalty sequences through the choice of the FDR hyperparameters (gFDR and vFDR). I will set these to be significantly smaller, in the hope of inducing more sparsity in the model. The aim here is to try to remove as much noise from the model as possible (without removing all of the signal).

sgs_model_3 = fit_sgs(
  X = train_data$X,
  y = train_data$y,
  groups = groups,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  gFDR = 1e-10,
  vFDR = 1e-10, 
  alpha = alpha,
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  pen_method = 3  

sgs_preds = predict(sgs_model_3, x = test_data$X)
sgs_cr <- apply(sgs_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data$y))
This model obtains a peak accuracy of using only genes. Here, we have an example of how the sparse-group models can be powerful when implemented correctly. This is the highest predictive accuracy we have obtained so far.

Q9 (optional): apply SGS to the cancer data.

sgs_model_cancer = fit_sgs(
  X = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  groups = groups_cancer,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  gFDR = 1e-4,
  vFDR = 1e-4, 
  alpha = alpha,
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  pen_method = 3

sgs_preds = predict(sgs_model_cancer, x = test_data_cancer$X)
sgs_cr <- apply(sgs_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))

# put classification scores into data frame
sgs_df_cancer = data.frame(
  model = "SGS",
  lambda_index = 1:path_length,
  classification_rate = sgs_cr

SGS obtains a peak accuracy of using genes. However, we could try changing the sequence (as we did for Q8), to see if we get better performance
sgs_model_cancer_2 = fit_sgs(
  X = train_data_cancer$X,
  y = train_data_cancer$y,
  groups = groups_cancer,
  type = "logistic",
  path_length = path_length,
  min_frac = min_frac,
  gFDR = 1e-10,
  vFDR = 1e-10, 
  alpha = alpha,
  max_iter = num_iter,
  screen = TRUE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  pen_method = 3

sgs_preds = predict(sgs_model_cancer_2, x = test_data_cancer$X)
sgs_cr <- apply(sgs_preds$class, 2, function(x) mean(x == test_data_cancer$y))
In this case, this did not help, as we stay at the same accuracy.

We end the section by comparing all of the models on the cancer dataset.

Number of non-zero coefficients

plot(apply(lasso_model_cancer$beta, 2, function(x) length(which(x!=0))), type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Number non-zero",ylim=c(0,55))
lines(apply(glasso_model_cancer$coefficients, 2, function(x) length(which(x!=0))), type="l", col = "red")
lines(unlist(lapply(sgl_model_cancer$selected_var,length)), type = "l", col = "brown")
lines(apply(slope_model_cancer$nonzeros,3,sum), type = "l", col = "blue")
lines(unlist(lapply(gslope_model_cancer$selected_var,length)), type = "l", col = "green")
lines(unlist(lapply(sgs_model_cancer$selected_var,length)), type = "l", col = "purple")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Lasso", "gLasso", "SGL", "SLOPE", "gSLOPE", "SGS"),
       col = c("black", "red", "brown", "blue", "green", "purple"), lty = 1)

VIM plot.

Prediction accuracies

plot(lasso_df_cancer$classification_rate, type="l", xlab="Lambda index", ylab = "Classification accuracy", ylim=c(0.3,0.6))
lines(glasso_df_cancer$classification_rate, type="l", col = "red")
lines(sgl_df_cancer$classification_rate, type = "l", col = "brown")
lines(slope_df_cancer$classification_rate, type = "l", col = "blue")
lines(gslope_df_cancer$classification_rate, type = "l", col = "green")
lines(sgs_df_cancer$classification_rate, type = "l", col = "purple")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Lasso", "gLasso", "SGL", "SLOPE", "gSLOPE", "SGS"),
       col = c("black", "red", "brown", "blue", "green", "purple"), lty = 1)

VIM plot.

Prediction accuracies on cancer dataset

Model Classification accuracy (%) Genes used
Lasso 56.7 0
gLasso 60.0 15
SGL 56.7 0
SLOPE 56.7 43
gSLOPE 33.3 417
SGS 56.7 23