Training a HMM¶
Now that our data is cleaned and augmented, ready for training, we can dive into creating our model and training it.
Creating the model architecture¶
Going back to the first tutorial, we will need to think about our observables and how they relate to our hidden states, as well as how our hidden states interact with each other. For the start, we'll be creating the simplest HMM we can for our dataset. We'll take our obsessions—immobile, micro movements, and walking—and assume they are governed by just two hidden states: asleep and awake.
We'll create a pictogram of it:
We can now translate our ideas into a starting transition matrix. When training a HMM, you start with an initialised transition and emission matrix, and then during the training it will make small changes to these parameters within a loop, running the forward-backward algorithm we discussed and outputting a score, which it will aim to improve. Once it has found that its changes are no longer increasing the score at a given rate, it will end the training.
So the initial matrix decides the starting point for the training, but it's not very important that it's close to reality, as it will interactively update towards it during training. For now, we'll make a rough estimate of the transition rates.
# First we'll create lists with our state and observable names so we know their order
# Remember previously that we had to convert our observable values to 0, 1, 2 and this is reflected in our list order
# Likewise with the hidden states, the output of the model when decoding observable runs will have asleep as 0 and awake as 1
observables = ['immobile', 'micro', 'walking']
hidden_states = ['asleep', 'awake']
import numpy as np
# Following on from the first part of the tutorial, each row in the matrix is a hidden state and each column is the hidden state it is transitioning into
# Remember that the sum of each row must equal 1 and the shape is the number of states x itself. So 2 x 2
t_prob = np.array( [[0.7, 0.3],
[0.2, 0.8]]
# We now do the same for the emission probabilities
# Where we give it a zero value it tells the model that these emissions can't be attributed to a hidden state. So here the asleep state can only have immobile as its emission
em_prob = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.3, 0.3, 0.4],])
Preparing the data for the model¶
import pandas as pd
# Load the cleaned data from the previous notebook
df = pd.read_pickle('Users path to cleaned data pickle')
# First we want to change our data format from pandas to numpy
# Once again call groupby with the 'hmm' column selected and this time apply a numpy array
ar_data = df.groupby('id')['hmm'].apply(np.array)
# This returns a pandas series with each flies data made into a numpy array
# A pandas series is like a single column from a dataframe
print(type(ar_data)) # use type to find what your variable is
# Now we can make it a nested array rather than a series
ar_data = np.array(ar_data)
# With numpy you can check the shape of the array with .shape, we can see below that its shape is the number of flies with have in the filtered dataset
Splitting the data into test/train¶
When training a model, it's important to split the dataset into a portion you train and a portion you test, as you can't score the model using the data it used to train the model as it will be overfitted to it.
A common technique is to use 10% of the dataset for testing post training, with the remaining 90% for the model. Many packages like sklearn (a common machine learning package) have built-in functions, but given their simplicity, we'll code one ourselves.
# First we'll need to get the number of flies that equal 10%
test_size = 10
test_train_split = round(len(ar_data) * (test_size/100))
# Numpy random.permutations will shuffle the order
rand_runs = np.random.permutation(ar_data)
# Using square brackets after the np.array selects for arrays of a given indices
# e.g array[0:10] would select the 1st array to the 9th, as 10 is the first array not to be included
# Not putting a number before or after the colon means either from the first or to the last array respectively
train = rand_runs[test_train_split:]
test = rand_runs[:test_train_split]
# Quickly check the shape to see if it looks right
Shaping the data for the model¶
The hmmlearn categorical model accept data formatted in a particular way. Firstly, the sequence for each specimen must be an array where each data point is a single array; see the code below.
X = [[1], [0], [0], [2], ...]
Secondly, when working with multiple sequences, they must all be concatenated (joined) into a single array with a secondary array that contains the lengths of each sequence. See below.
X1 = [[1], [0], [0], [2]]
X2 = [[0], [0], [1]]
X = np.concatenate([X1, X2])
lengths = [len(X1), len(X2)]
Let's get the lengths of each sequence fist. We can use a technique called list comprehension, which is a quicker way to create a list that would normally need a for loop. See here for more information on it.
# Using a for loop we can get the length of each array
for i in test:
# Creating a list comprehension puts the for loop into 1 line within a list, with the loop action taking place on the far left
# The example below takes an array and divides it in 2
test_array = np.array([4,4,4,4,4])
[n/2 for n in test_array]
# Task:
# Apply the logic above to create the list of lengths below
len_seq_train = []
len_seq_test = []
The next step is to join all the sequences and reshape the final singular array.
# As our data is in a nested array we can call np.concatenate on the whole thing and it will flatten it into a singluar array
seq_train = np.concatenate(train, axis = 0) # setting the axis as 0 means the action happens across the rows, axis 1 would mean the columns
seq_test = np.concatenate(test, 0)
Numpy arrays have a built-in method .reshape() to give it a new shape, you pass the shape inside brackets. For example, a shape of (3, 2) would have the data consist of 3 arrays with two columns each. See below.
a = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
a.reshape((3, 2))
array([[0, 1],
[2, 3],
[4, 5]])
Having each data point as its own array is essentially a single column array, so a shape (6, 1) for above would create the right shape, with 6 being the length of the array.
a = a.reshape((6, 1))
We can get the length of the array programatically with len(), but we can also get it by calling -1 instead, which calls for a one shape dimension.
a = a.reshape((-1, 1))
# Use what is shown above to reshape the array
seq_train =
seq_test =
Inialising the model¶
In this next section, we'll generate our HMM from the hmmlearn package. The best way to fully understand a model is to look at the package API documentation; most packages will have a website page with them all. Head to this link -> here to see the docstrings for the categorical HMM, the one we'll be using. Some of the docstring of the model has been copied below.
Hmmlearn has lots of different HMM that vary with the emission type, discrete (our one) emissions are the most simple.
hmmlearn docstring¶
CategoricalHMM(n_components=1, startprob_prior=1.0, transmat_prior=1.0, emissionprob_prior=1.0, n_features=None, algorithm='viterbi', random_state=None, n_iter=10, tol=0.01, verbose=False, params='ste', init_params='ste', implementation='log'):
Hidden Markov Model with categorical (discrete) emissions.
Variables : n_components (int) – Number of hidden states.
n_features (int) – Number of possible symbols emitted by the model (in the samples).
params (string, optional) – The parameters that get updated during (params) or initialized before (init_params) the training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for startprob, ‘t’ for transmat, and ‘e’ for emissionprob. Defaults to all parameters.
init_params (string, optional) – The parameters that get updated during (params) or initialized before (init_params) the training. Can contain any combination of ‘s’ for startprob, ‘t’ for transmat, and ‘e’ for emissionprob. Defaults to all parameters.
verbose (bool, optional) – Whether per-iteration convergence reports are printed.
# First we import the model we want from the hmmlearn package
from hmmlearn.hmm import CategoricalHMM
# Simply save the model to a variable to instialise it
model = CategoricalHMM()
# However we're going to want to give it some information about the architecture of our HMM
# With verbose as True we can see the updating scores in real time
model = CategoricalHMM(n_components = len(hidden_states), n_features = len(observables), params = 'ste', init_params = 's', verbose = True)
# We next need to set our starting transition and emission matrices
# We do this by setting the attributes directly
model.transmat_ = t_prob # .transmat_ is the transtion matrix attribute
model.emissionprob_ = em_prob # ._emissionprob_ is the emission probabilities matrix attribute
# Call the .fit() method with the sequence and length data to train the model
# Given the size of the dataset and the default iteration number (10) it'll be very quick, len_seq_train)
# We now have a trained HMM model!
# We can view the transition matrices as so
print(f'Transition matrix: \n {model.transmat_} \n')
print(f'Emission probabilities: \n {model.emissionprob_}')
In the misc folder, there is a pre-made function to better view the probability arrays.
# As in notebook 1 we'll add the HMM folder to path and import from misc
import sys
from misc import hmm_display
hmm_display(model, hidden_states, observables)
There are two parameters we can change to stop the training when we believe it has reached near its optimal point: tol and number of iterations. Tol is the convergence threshold, the point at which the model stops iterating as the gain in log-liklihood is below the given value. When training with verbose as True we can see the logliklihood printed on the screen on the left, with the right hand column containing the difference to the prior iteration:
log liklihood score --> 1 -1518089.61094345 +nan
2 -1093181.25787965 +424908.35306380
3 -1089743.31215639 +3437.94572327
4 -1088738.07582637 +1005.23633002
5 -1088379.61034925 +358.46547712
6 -1088211.51535954 +168.09498971
7 -1088110.95060934 +100.56475020
8 -1088041.78427272 +69.16633661
9 -1087991.29922729 +50.48504543
10 -1087953.64539560 +37.65383169 <-- logliklihood difference
If the right hand value drops below the tol value, the default is 0.01, the training stops.
As we can see in the example above, the logliklihood difference never dropped below 0.01, but the training was still stopped. This is due to a iteration limit, whose default is 10. When training, you need to balance the amount of computer time you can dedicate to training versus the fitness of the model.
Have a play around with different iteration numbers and tol to see how it affects the training time and the diminishing logliklihood difference as you increase the iteration number with parameters 'tol' and 'n_iter', respectively.
model = CategoricalHMM(tol = , n_iter = , n_components = len(hidden_states), n_features = len(observables), params = 'ste', init_params = 'ste', verbose = True), len_seq_train)
Training the best model¶
We have a model, but is it our best model? Remember we created a testing subset that we can generate a score for with this trained model? But what would we score it against?
With a fixed starting transition and emission probabilities, we could run the training and choose the model with the best score, thinking we've got the best we could with the data and time we have. However, you can run into a machine learning problem called local minima, where if you start from the same point every time when training, the model will optimise to the best score in that local area. Whereas, in reality, there are much better parameters the model misses out on; see the picture below. If we start at the red mark and iterate over new parameters, it will always fall into the local minima, which has a worse score.
To get around this, it's best to randomise your starting parameters every time, so your likelihood of finding the global minima is greater. The hmmlearn models have this built-in, where if you don't set the transition probabilities beforehand, it will randomise them.
# No longer intialise the model with the transition and probability matrices
model = CategoricalHMM(n_components = len(hidden_states), n_features = len(observables), params = 'ste', init_params = 'ste', verbose=True)
# We now want to loop through the model multiple times, each time will have new starting matrices
# As it loops we'll need to save the best performing model to load and compare, we'll save it as a pickle
# Save the model to the data file with the name "2_state_model.pkl"
import pickle
save_path = 'USERS_PATH/HMM_tutorial/data/2_state_hmm.pkl'
iterations = 10 # loop 10 times
for i in range(iterations):
best_score = None
best_model = None
hmm =, len_seq_train)
print("True Convergence:" + str(hmm.monitor_.history[-1] - hmm.monitor_.history[-2] < hmm.monitor_.tol)) # If it converges rather than max iterations print True
print("Final log liklihood score:" + str(hmm.score(seq_train, len_seq_train))) # Print the final log liklihood score
score = hmm.score(seq_test, len_seq_test) # .score() generates a log probability score for the given observable, if its larger then previous best model it prints the new matrix and saves it
# Store the first score as best_score and then compare it the next loop, if it scores better save it as the best model and score
if best_score is None or best_score < score:
best_score = score
best_model = hmm
print('New Matrix: \n')
print(f'Transition matrix: \n {hmm.transmat_} \n')
print(f'Emission probabilities: \n {hmm.emissionprob_}')
# Finally save the best model and print it's parameters
with open(save_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(best_model, file)
hmm_display(hmm, hidden_states, observables)
We can now be confident that if we run enough randomised iterations with an appropriate threshold, we will likely end up with the best trained we could get given the dataset. We can now use this model to decode our observable sequence into a hidden state sequence.
Decoding your observables¶
# We'll decode the first sequence of the test group
seq = test[0]
seq = seq.reshape(-1, 1) # It also needs to be reshped for decoding
# Call the .decode() method with the sequence inside the brackets
# The method returns two parts, the log liklihood for the sequence and the decoded sequence
log_prob, decoded_array = model.decode(seq)
print(f'Log probability of the state sequence: {log_prob}')
We have now successfully created a hidden Markov model and decoded our observable data into our theorised sleep states in the final notebook.
In the next step, we will look at making a more complex hidden state architecture while retaining the lessons we've learned above.
Models with limited transitions¶
Going back to the first tutorial we will need to think about our observables and how they relate to our hidden states, and also how our hidden states interact with each other. In our mood example we assumed that each state could transition into each other, however biological systems are not always that free, often with certain routes state transitions must make to access others. Our example of sleep could be one such. Study of sleep in mammals has shown us that sleep stages are sequential, starting with REM sleep and transtitioning through progressive deep sleep stages. If we take this as our base we are going to want to restrict our hidden states so the sleep stages are only acessed by a lighter sleep that can transition into a deep sleep.
For this tutorial, we will create a four-state hidden model where we have two sleep states and two awake states. Deep sleep, light sleep, quiet awake, active awake. Deep sleep can only be accessed through light sleep, and active awake can only be accessed through quiet awake.
It's often easiest to look at these transition maps in pictograms:
We now need to put the hidden states within the context of the observables. Given that the basic criteria for possible sleep is immobility, we must let the model know that the observables 'micro movement' and 'walking' are off limits for the sleep states. Whereas the active states can have all the observables as emmissions.
Here they are added to the above pictogram:
# As for the 2 sate model we'll create two lists detailing the names of the observables and hidden states
observables = ['immobile', 'micro', 'walking']
hidden_states = ['deep sleep', 'light sleep', 'quiet awake', 'active awake']
# As at the beginning we'll make a transition and emission probability matrix
# Where we give it a zero value it tells the model that these states can't transition into each other
# Taking the first row to be "deep sleep", the first entry is its transition probability into itself, the next is into "light sleep", the next is "quiet awake", and finally we have its transition into "active awake"
# The next row is for "light sleep", but the columns stay the same, so the first entry is the transition probability into "deep sleep", the second entry is for itself, and then so on.
# Remember the sum of each row must equal 1
t_prob = np.array([[0.6, 0.25, 0.15, 0.0],
[0.25, 0.6, 0.15, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.8]])
# Now do the same for the emission probabilities given what emissions are allowed in the pictogram
em_prob = np.array(
# We can now run the model
model = CategoricalHMM(n_components = len(hidden_states), n_features = len(observables), params = 'ste', init_params = 's', verbose = True)
model.transmat_ = t_prob
model.emissionprob_ = em_prob, len_seq_train)
# As we hoped setting the transition to 0 means it isn't updated at all
hmm_display(model, hidden_states, observables)
However, some of you may have noticed a problem if we take the next step of randomising the transition and emission matrices before training: we can't dictate to it to keep some as 0. We'll therefore have to forgo the built-in hmmlearn randomising system and come up with a way to do it ourselves.
Randomising matrices¶
# A way to achieve certain values as random and others to stay as 0 is to have a place holder for numbers you wish to be randomised
# For ours we'll have all numbers we want randomised to be a string called 'rand'
t_prob_o = np.array([['rand', 'rand', 'rand', 0.0],
['rand', 'rand', 'rand', 0.0],
[0.0, 'rand', 'rand', 'rand'],
[0.0, 0.0, 'rand', 'rand']])
em_prob_o = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
['rand', 'rand', 'rand'],
['rand', 'rand', 'rand']])
# numpy has a randomiser function np.random.random that generates a random number between 0 and 1
# list comprehension comes in useful here too
# As we have a nested array we call a list comprehension within another replacing 'rand' with a random number
t_prob = np.array([[np.random.random() if y == 'rand' else y for y in x] for x in t_prob_o], dtype = np.float64) # we need to dictate the value type in this as a float
# next we need to make the row sum to 1, we do this by getting the total and finding the fraction for each
t_prob = np.array([[y / sum(x) for y in x] for x in t_prob], dtype = np.float64)
# Try running this cell multiple times to see the values randomise
Task: Now try the same with the emission probabilities
em_prob =
em_prob =
Final Task:¶
Take everything we've now learned and train the four-state model set out above. Have it loop through multiple times, randomising the transition and emission matrices. Play around with both the external and internal iteration numbers, as well as tol, to see what is the best score you can get for the model. Save the best model as '4_state_model.pkl' in the data folder.
# Complete here