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An embedding is a representation of words, phrases, sentences, or documents as vectors in a high-dimensional space. In NLP, words are typically represented as dense numerical vectors, where each dimension of the vector represents a different aspect or feature of the word.

Word embeddings are learned from large corpora of text using techniques like Word2Vec, GloVe, or BERT. These techniques capture semantic relationships between words, such as similarity and context, by placing similar words closer together in the embedding space.

Embeddings are crucial in NLP tasks because they allow machine learning models to process and understand textual data more effectively. They enable the models to leverage the semantic information encoded in the vectors to make accurate predictions or perform various tasks, such as text classification, named entity recognition, machine translation, and sentiment analysis.

More specifically, word embeddings, such as Word2Vec or GloVe, each token is represented as a dense vector in a high-dimensional space. The values in this vector represent the token's semantic meaning or context. The weights of these vectors are learned during the training process, where the model adjusts them to optimize performance on a specific task, such as predicting nearby words in a sentence.

Dimension Reduction

Dimension reduction is a technique used in machine learning and statistics to reduce the number of variables or features under consideration. The goal of dimension reduction is to simplify the dataset while preserving important information.

There are several reasons why dimension reduction might be applied:

Curse of Dimensionality: With an increase in the number of features, the volume of data space grows exponentially, leading to sparsity and computational inefficiency.

Visualization: High-dimensional data is difficult to visualize directly. Dimension reduction techniques help in visualizing data in lower-dimensional space, such as 2D or 3D, while preserving its structure and relationships.

Noise Reduction: Dimension reduction can help in removing noise and irrelevant features, which can improve the performance of machine learning models by focusing on the most important aspects of the data.

BERTopic uses UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) for dimensionality reduction.


UMAP is a dimension reduction technique that is particularly effective for preserving local and global structure in high-dimensional data. It works by modeling the manifold of the data points and finding a low-dimensional representation that preserves the local structure of the data.

In the context of BERTopic, UMAP is applied to the embeddings generated by BERT for the input documents. These embeddings capture semantic information about the documents, and UMAP reduces their dimensionality while retaining the relevant structure. This reduced-dimensional representation of the document embeddings is then used for clustering and topic modeling within BERTopic.


In general, a "cluster" refers to a group of data points that are similar or closely related to each other according to a specific criterion or measure. Clustering algorithms aim to partition a dataset into clusters such that data points within the same cluster are more similar to each other than they are to data points in other clusters. The goal is to identify meaningful patterns or structures in the data, which can aid in data analysis, pattern recognition, and decision-making tasks.


HDBSCAN, or Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, is a clustering algorithm used in machine learning and data analysis. It builds upon the concepts of density-based clustering to automatically determine the number of clusters in a dataset while robustly handling noise and outliers. HDBSCAN forms clusters by identifying regions of high density in the data space, allowing for flexible cluster shapes and varying cluster sizes.


Tokenization is a process used in NLP to break down text into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be individual words, phrases, or other meaningful elements of the text, depending on the specific tokenization rules applied.

For example, in English text, tokenization typically involves splitting the text into words based on spaces and punctuation. However, more advanced tokenization techniques may also handle special cases like contractions, hyphenated words, or even subword units for languages with complex morphology.

Tokenization is a fundamental preprocessing step in many NLP tasks, such as text classification, named entity recognition, and machine translation, as it helps to standardize and structure the text data for further analysis by NLP models.


CountVectorizer is a text vectorization technique commonly used in NLP and machine learning tasks. It converts a collection of text documents into a matrix of token counts.

Here is how it works:

  1. Tokenization: CountVectorizer first tokenizes the input text documents. It typically breaks down the text into individual words or terms, called tokens.

  2. Vocabulary Building: Next, it builds a vocabulary of unique tokens from the entire corpus of text documents. Each unique token becomes a feature in the vectorized representation.

  3. Count Encoding: For each document, CountVectorizer counts the occurrences of each token in the document and encodes this count into the corresponding feature in the vector representation. Each document is thus represented by a vector where each element corresponds to the count of a specific token in that document.

The resulting matrix, often referred to as a "document-term matrix," represents the frequency of each term (token) in each document. This matrix can then be used as input to machine learning algorithms for tasks such as text classification, clustering, or information retrieval.

CountVectorizer is a simple and efficient way to convert text data into a format that machine learning models can understand, but it does not capture the semantic meaning of words or their context.


Term Frequency (TF): This component measures how often a term appears in a document. It is calculated as the number of times a term occurs in a document divided by the total number of terms in the document.

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): This component measures the rarity of a term across the entire corpus of documents. It is calculated as the logarithm of the total number of documents divided by the number of documents containing the term.

In TF-IDF, each token's weight is calculated based on its frequency in the document (TF) and its rarity across the entire corpus of documents (IDF). Tokens that appear frequently in a document but rarely across the corpus are considered more important and receive higher weights, while common tokens receive lower weights.


Class Frequency (CF): In C-TF-IDF, an additional component called Class Frequency is introduced. This component measures how often a term appears in documents belonging to a specific class or category. It is calculated as the number of documents containing the term within the class divided by the total number of documents in that class.

The C-TF-IDF weight for each term is calculated by multiplying its TF, IDF, and CF values. This results in a weighting scheme that not only considers the importance of a term within a document and across the entire corpus but also takes into account its relevance to a specific class or category.

C-TF-IDF is particularly useful in text classification tasks where documents belong to predefined classes or categories. By incorporating class-specific information into the weighting scheme, it helps improve the discriminative power of terms and enhances the performance of text classifiers.

Weight tokens

"Weighting tokens" typically refers to assigning weights or importance values to tokens (words or terms) in a text document. This process is very common, particularly in vectorization techniques such as TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and word embeddings.


Sentence-transformers is a Python library for generating sentence embeddings using pre-trained transformer-based models. These models are trained to convert variable-length texts, such as sentences or paragraphs, into fixed-dimensional vectors, known as embeddings, while capturing their semantic meaning:

  1. Pre-trained Transformer Models: Sentence-transformers leverage pre-trained transformer-based models, such as the models we are introducing in this tutorial - BERT or RoBERTa. They both have been pre-trained on large text corpora using unsupervised learning objectives.

  2. Fine-tuning or Transfer Learning: In addition to the pre-trained transformer model, sentence-transformers often employ transfer learning or fine-tuning techniques. This involves further training the model on a downstream task, such as sentence similarity, paraphrase identification, or text classification, using labeled data. Fine-tuning allows the model to adapt to specific tasks or domains and improve its performance.

  3. Embedding Generation: Once the model is trained or fine-tuned, it can generate embeddings for input sentences or text passages. These embeddings represent the semantic meaning of the input text in a fixed-dimensional vector space. Similar sentences are expected to have similar embeddings, allowing for various downstream NLP tasks, such as semantic search, text clustering, or document classification.

Sentence-transformers offer a simple and efficient way to generate high-quality sentence embeddings, which can be used in a wide range of natural language processing applications. The library provides pre-trained models and interfaces for fine-tuning, inference, and evaluation, making it easy to integrate into NLP pipelines and projects.