Vibrational Normal Modes and Phonons
This week we will calculate the vibrational properties of molecules and solids.
As you have seen in the lecture, the different vibrations that can be observed in molecules and crystals as well as their frequencies can be obtained from the potential energy surface (PES). More specifically, we can expand the PES in a Taylor series around the equilibrium atomic positions and then solve Newton's equation of motion. This procedure involves two important concepts: the force constant matrix and the dynamical matrix.
Similar to last week, we will give a brief review of these matrices and why they are useful. Then we will learn how to calculate these quantities using Quantum Espresso. Let's now begin our dive into vibrations in molecules.
Vibrations in molecules: basic theory
When molecules are excited (e.g. by absorbing infrared radiation or by heating), they gain energy and the atoms start to vibrate around their equilibrium position.
Force constant matrix
The change in total energy due to a small displacement of the atoms around their equilibrium positions, \(\Delta U\), can be written as,
\Delta U = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{I\alpha J\beta} K_{I\alpha J\beta}u_{I\alpha}u_{J\beta},
where \(u_{I\alpha}\) denotes the \(\alpha\)-component of the displacement vector of the atom labelled by \(I\). The matrix \(K_{I\alpha J\beta}\) is called the force constant matrix. It is defined by the equation
K_{I\alpha J\beta} = \frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial u_{I\alpha}\partial{u_{J\beta}}}.
Note that \(I\) and \(J\) both run from \(1\) to \(N\), where \(N\) is the number of atoms in the molecule, and \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) run from \(1\) to \(3\), with the convention \(x\rightarrow1, y\rightarrow2, z\rightarrow3\).
Tip on understanding the indices of \(\mathbf{K}\)
We can understand the indices of the matrix \(\mathbf{K}\) by thinking about its physical meaning. It is called the force constant matrix because its components describe the \(\alpha\)-component of the force acting on nucleus \(I\) generated by the motion of nucleus \(J\) along direction \(\beta\).
Tip on writing down \(\mathbf{K}\) as a two-dimensional matrix
The matrix \(\mathbf{K}\) can be written as a two-dimensional matrix although its entries are labelled by four indices. We can combine the indices into two pairs: \(\{I\alpha\}\) and \(\{J\beta\}\). In this way we can write \(\mathbf{K}\) as a \(3N\times3N\) matrix, where \(N\) is the number of atoms and the factor of 3 comes from the fact that there are three Cartesian directions, \(\{x,y,z\}\).
Optional quick quiz - for your own understanding
What does the entry \(K_{1123}\) physically mean?
It is the force acting on atom 1 along the \(x\)-direction when atom 2 (and only atom 2) moves along the \(z\)-direction
What does the entry \(K_{1111}\) physically mean?
It is the \(x\)-component of the force experienced by atom 1 when it moves along the \(x\)-direction. In most cases this should be positive because atom 1 should experience a restoring force that drives it back to the equilibrium position.
The force constant matrix is useful for calculating the change in the total energy change due to a displacement of the atoms. However, it is not directly related to vibrational properties.
Dynamical matrix
To calculate the vibrational properties, we need another matrix, the dynamical matrix.
To obtain vibrational properties, we have to solve the following matrix eigenvalue problem: $$ \omega^2\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{D}\mathbf{v}, $$ where \(v_{I\alpha}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{M_I}}u_{I\alpha}\) are the mass-weighted displacements, \(\omega\) denotes the vibration frequency, and the matrix \(\mathbf{D}\) is the dynamical matrix given by
Tip: what is the physical meaning of the entries of \(\mathbf{D}\)?
The physical meaning of the entries of \(\mathbf{D}\) becomes evident when we compare the eigenvalue equation for vibrations to that of a one-dimensional classical spring-mass oscillator, with spring constant \(k\) and mass \(m\), which is $$ \omega^2x=\frac{k}{m}x, $$ where \(x\) is the displacement and \(\omega\) is the oscillation frequency. By comparing this equation to \(\omega^2\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{D}\mathbf{v}\), we see that \(\mathbf{D}\) plays the same role as \(k/m\) - it measures the ratio of the strength of the spring constant of the atomic forces to the mass of the vibrating object.
Vibrations of molecules with Quantum Espresso
Density-functional theory can be used to calculate the dynamical matrix \(\mathbf{D}\) of molecules. Quantum Espresso uses density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT) to do this.
We first calculate the vibrational properties of a methane molecule. You will learn how to use the programme ph.x
for calculating the normal modes of a molecule. This calculation requires two steps:
Step 1: run the pw.x
The first step is to carry out a standard DFT calculation for the equilibrium structure of methane.
Task 1a - run pw.x
- Go to the directory
. -
Read the input file
. You should be familiar with all the input variables.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom C 0.0 0.0 0.0 H 0.634532333 0.634532333 0.634532333 #(1)! H -0.634532333 -0.634532333 0.634532333 H 0.634532333 -0.634532333 -0.634532333 H -0.634532333 0.634532333 -0.634532333 K_POINTS automatic 1 1 1 0 0 0 #(2)!
- The positions of the \(\mathrm{H}\) atoms have been relaxed. We provide the atomic positions in a very symmetric way. This is useful for Quantum Espresso as it can exploit the symmetries of molecules to speed up the calculation. See extra notes below to learn more about this if you are interested.
- As we are dealing with a molecule, we only use the \(\Gamma\)-point.
Now run
pw.x < > pw.out
Step 2: run the ph.x
The second step is to carry out the DFPT calculation using ph.x
Task 1b - run ph.x
- Take a look at the input file for the
module. It is
:1 2 3 4 5 6
phonons of CH4 (gamma only) #(1)! &INPUTPH #(2)! tr2_ph = 1.0d-15 #(3)! asr = .true. #(4)! / 0.0 0.0 0.0 #(5)!
- The first line can be any informative comment.
- This is a new card required for performing
calculations - This is the scf convergence criterion for this normal mode calculation. Notice that it is very strict compared to what we usually use in standard DFT calculations.
- 'asr' stands for the Acoustic Sum Rule. This rule is used to correct the dynamical matrix in order to avoid negative vibration frequencies.
- This tells the code the wavevector of the vibrations. As we are dealing with a molecule, we are only interested in the \(\Gamma\)-point.
Help file of ph.x
If you are interested in the input variables of ph.x
, you can read about them here
ph.x < > ph.out
. This will take a few minutes. -
You have successfully performed your first vibrational calculation!
Output files of ph.x
There are two important output files created by the ph.x
calculation. The first one is the .out
file, which provides some information about the DFPT calculations. The second file is the matdyn
file which contains the dynamical matrix. Let's take a look at it!
Task 2 - Reading the dynamical matrix from Quantum Espresso
The most important section of the file begins with
Dynamical Matrix in cartesian axes
. -
Let's go through this file step by step:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
q = ( 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 ) #(1)! ... 1 2 #(2)! -0.24917799 0.00000000 -0.17192431 0.00000000 -0.17192431 0.00000000 #(3)! -0.17192431 0.00000000 -0.24917799 0.00000000 -0.17192431 0.00000000 #(4)! -0.17192431 0.00000000 -0.17192431 0.00000000 -0.24917799 0.00000000 #(5)! ... Diagonalizing the dynamical matrix q = ( 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 ) ************************************************************************** #(6)! freq ( 4) = 2.365513 [THz] = 78.905014 [cm-1] #(7)! ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000092 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ) #(8)! ( -0.353554 0.000000 0.000093 0.000000 0.353553 0.000000 ) #(9)! ( -0.353554 0.000000 0.000093 0.000000 -0.353553 0.000000 ) ( 0.353554 0.000000 0.000093 0.000000 0.353553 0.000000 ) ( 0.353554 0.000000 0.000093 0.000000 -0.353553 0.000000 )
- This tells us the wave vector of the vibration. Here, this is the \(\Gamma\) point.
- The matrix shown below is \(D_{1{\alpha}2{\beta}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{M_{1}M_{2}}}K_{1{\alpha}2{\beta}}\), i.e. the dynamical matrix associated with the displacements of atoms 1 and 2 along Cartesian directions \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).
- These entries are \(D_{1x2x}\), \(D_{1x2y}\), and \(D_{1x2z}\), respectively. The entries in the second, fourth, and sixth columns are the imaginary parts of the dynamical matrix.
- These entries are \(D_{1y2x}\), \(D_{1y2y}\), and \(D_{1y2z}\), respectively.
- These entries are \(D_{1z2x}\), \(D_{1z2y}\), and \(D_{1z2z}\), respectively.
- The results obtained from diagonalizing the dynamical matrix can be found below this line.
- The vibration frequency of the fourth normal mode.
- The polarization vector of each atom in the fourth normal mode. This line says that the polarization vector of the C atom (i.e. atom 1) is (0,-0.447,0). The numbers in the second, fourth, and sixth columns are the imaginary parts of the polarization vector.
- Similar to the previous line, this line says that the polarization vector of one of the H atoms (atom 2) is (0,-0.447,0).
So everything you want to know about the normal modes of a molecule will be contained in the
file. Answer the following questions by reading this file.
How many normal modes are there? Is this what we should expect?
15, since there are 15 frequencies in the file. This is expected because there are 5 atoms so the number of normal modes is \(5\times3=15\).
What are the distinct frequencies (up to 2 decimal places)?
The distinct frequencies are -0.01 THz, 2.37 THz, 37.37 THz, 44.29 THz, 87.07 THz, and 90.89 THz. Note that there are always three normal modes with nearly zero frequencies. However, they are slightly negative in our calculations because of numerical accuracies. You can increase the PW cutoff to reduce them, but the ph.x
calculation will take longer.
What are the degeneracies of each distinct frequency?
In the order of increasing energy, the degeneracies (i.e. the number of normal modes with the same frequency) are 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3. One finds such degeneracies in molecules that have a symmetrical shape.
Visualising the normal modes
If you are interested in how the normal modes look like, you can visit this link. On this website, you can see all the different vibrations of the methane molecule. These vibrational frequencies should be close to what you have obtained in Task 1b.
You will see symbols like \(T_2\) and \(A_1\) next to each mode. These symbols are intended for vibrational spectroscopists to identify the normal modes.
Notice how the degenerate normal modes have the same symbols and very similar vibration patterns.
Extra notes - why do the three lowest normal modes always have zero frequency?
These normal modes correspond to the rigid translations of the molecule, i.e. movements of the molecule without distorting any chemical bonds. If no bonds are distorted, the molecule will not vibrate and the vibrational frequency should be zero. You can inspect the polarization vectors of these normal modes: there are the same for all atoms. In fact, the three modes are simply rigid translations along the \(y\), \(x\), and \(z\)-directions, respectively.
Extra notes - symmetry reduction in Quantum Espresso
Quantum Espresso can exploit the symmetries of the molecule to reduce the number of the (rather costly) DFPT calculations: by placing the center of the molecule at the origin and giving the H atoms the same \(x,y\) coordinates except for the sign, the code understands that the methane molecule has certain rotational symmetries. Quantum Espresso uses this knowledge and only calculates the derivatives of the total energy with respect to one of the hydrogen positions (instead of all four of them). Quantum Espresso prints out the symmetries it has found in ph.out
Vibrations in crystals: basic theory
Similar to electrons in crystals (whose wavefunctions are described by Bloch's theorem), vibrations in crystals have a wave-like character. Each vibration in a crystal is described by two labels: its wavevector \(\mathbf{q}\) and its band index \(\nu\) (similar to electrons in crystals which are described by a wavevector \(\mathbf{k}\) and a band index \(n\)). The wavevector describes the propagation direction of the vibration and its spatial periodicity. The magnitude of the wavevector is given by $$ q=\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}, $$ where \(\lambda\) is the wavelength of the vibrational wave. These vibrational wave are often called phonons.
Similar to the band structure of electrons in a crystal, the frequencies \(\omega_\nu(\mathbf{q})\) of phonons give rise to a band structure.
Vibrations in crystals: Quantum Espresso (overview)
We will now learn how to calculate phonon band structures using Quantum Espresso. This requires the calculation of the dynamical matrix for a set of wavevectors \(\mathbf{q}\) in the first Brillouin zone. As these calculations are quite time-consuming, Quantum Espresso uses a few numerical tricks (such as performing calculations for the force constants on a coarse grid of \(\mathbf{q}\)-points and then interpolating to a finer grid). This requires a few additional steps compared to the calculation for a molecule.
The calculation has five stages:
- Perform a self-consistent calculation of the electrons density and the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions. The module for this is
as usual. - Calculate the dynamical matrix on a coarse grid of wavevectors. The module for this is
, which is the one we have used for molecules. - Obtain a set of force constant matrices \(\mathbf{K}(\mathbf{R})\) in real space by Fourier transforming the dynamical matrices \(\mathbf{D}(\mathbf{q})\) obtained in the last step. The module for this is
. - Obtain the dynamical matrix over a denser grid of wavevectors by Fourier interpolation. The module for this is
. - Generate the phonon band structure plot. This will be done using Python.
Vibrations in crystals: Quantum Espresso (calculation)
We will now go through the calculations using carbon diamond as an example.
Step 1: run the pw.x
Task 4a - run pw.x
- Go to the directory
. - Read the input file
.- Note that the variable
is set tighter for DFPT calculation of phonons. - The prefix is defined explicitly as
. This is useful when you run multiple calculations in different directories. - All other variables should be familiar to you.
- Note that the variable
- Run
pw.x < > pw.out
. - The other output files generated will be in the
directory since we specified the prefix.
Step 2: run the ph.x
Task 4b - run ph.x
- Read the input file
.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
phonons of Carbon diamond on a grid &INPUTPH prefix = 'CD', #(1)! asr = .true. #(2)! ldisp = .true. #(3)! nq1=4, nq2=4, nq3=4 #(4)! /
- We have specified the same prefix as in the scf input file.
- Use the acoustic sum rule.
ldisp = .true.
tells Quantum Espresso to perform dynamical matrix calculation over a grid of q-points.nq1
define our q-point grid. This is the coarser grid.
- Run
ph.x < > ph.out
. This will take a few minutes. - The calculation produces a number of dynamical matrices. They have the same format as the
file for the methane molecule. The file also contains information about the \(\mathbf{q}\)-points at which the dynamical matrix is evaluated. - Note that one file can contain dynamical matrices of several \(\mathbf{q}\)-points if these \(\mathbf{q}\)-points are related by a symmetry of the crystal.
Step 3: run the q2r.x
Next we will generate the real-space force constants from the dynamical matrices calculated on a coarse grid in the first Brillouin zone using the q2r.x
Task 4c - run q2r.x
Help file of q2r.x
If you are interested in the input variables of q2r.x
, visit this link for the help file.
Read the
input file.1 2 3 4 5
&input fildyn = 'matdyn' #(1)! zasr = 'simple' #(2)! flfrc = 'CD444.fc' #(3)! /
is the name of the file for reading the dyamical matrices obtained fromph.x
decides how the acoustic sum rule is enforced. If the ASR is not enforced, the lowest frequency phonons at the \(\Gamma\)-point will not have zero frequencies (as they should).filefrc
specifies the output file name.
q2r.x < > q2r.out
. This will run almost instantly. - This calculation produces the output file
containing the force constant matrix for each pair of atoms in a 4x4x4 supercell. So this is \(K(\mathrm{R})\).
Step 4: run the matdyn.x
Now we want to use this to generate phonon band structure of diamond. For this, we will use the matdyn.x
Task 4d - run matdyn.x
Help file of matdyn.x
If you are interested in the input variables of matdyn.x
, visit this link.
Read the input file
.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
&input asr = 'simple' #(1)! flfrc = 'CD444.fc' #(2)! flfrq = 'CD-bands.freq' #(3)! dos=.false. #(4)! q_in_band_form=.true. #(5)! / 8 #(6)! 0.000 0.000 0.000 30 #(7)! 0.375 0.375 0.750 10 0.500 0.500 1.000 30 1.000 1.000 1.000 30 0.500 0.500 0.500 30 0.000 0.500 0.500 30 0.250 0.500 0.750 30 0.500 0.500 0.500 0
tells the code to enforce the acoustic sum rule.flfrc
to give it the name of the file with the real-space force constants from theq2r.x
to give it the name of the output file to store the calculated frequencies.dos=.false.
tells the code we're not calculating the density of statesq_in_band_form=.true.
tells the code we want to calculate bands between high-symmetry points.- The number of high-symmetry points on the path.
- The list of high-symmetry points with the number of points to calculate along each line, in the same way as we did for the electronic band structure.
matdyn.x < > matdyn.out
. Again, this is very fast. - The code generates the output files
. Both of which contain the frequencies along the path we requested.
Step 5: plotting the phonon band structure
Finally, we want to generate a graph of these frequencies. For this, we will use the output file
which contains frequencies in units of cm-1.
Task 5 - plotting the phonon band structure
A python script
has been provided for generating the phonon band structure. If you are interested in how the plotting is done, you can read the script.
What does the phonon band structure look like?
How many normal modes are there at each q-point?
There are 2 atoms in the unit cell so there are \(3\times2=6\) normal modes.
Task 6 - visualising the phonons
Go to the website. This is a website for visualising phonons.
for the 'pw.x input file',pw.out
for the 'pw.x output file', andmatdyn.modes
files for 'matdyn.modes file (generated by matdyn.x)'. -
Click 'Calculate phonon dispersion' and the visualisation should come up.
You can select the phonon mode to visualise by clicking on the phonon band structure on the right.
Now click on the lowest phonon band at the \(\Gamma\) point. Firstly, you will notice that the frequencies of the three lowest phonon bands become zero. Secondly, all atoms move in-phase. These three lowest phonon modes are called acoustic modes.
Now click on the highest phonon band at the \(\Gamma\) point. You will notice how the atoms in each unit cell move in anti-phase. These phonon modes are called the optical modes.
In both cases above, you will notice that periodicity of the atomic displacements is one unit cell. This is because we are at the \(\Gamma\) point.
Now click on any other phonon away from the \(\Gamma\) point. Notice how there is now a modulation of the amplitude from one unit cell to another. You can increase the number of supercells to fully visualise the phonon.
In this lab we have seen
- how to use the
code to calculate the vibrational properties of a molecule. - how to calculate the phonon band structure of a crystal.